This is where the magic happens. On a daily basis, our workshop staff who are exposed to a high standard of workmanship and training gather at 7 am in the morning to embark on the production of our high-quality pool tables and doors. The workshop manager ensures that supplies for that to happen have been ordered and delivered from the store on time.
The workshop manager and her team promise efficiency and quality which she delivers on a daily basis as confirmed by our fast-moving and highly praised products.
Our sales personnel are always on standby to welcome any client who comes to our outlet shops for purchase or enquiry.
The personnel has cutting edge sales tactics and experience which ensures that on a daily basis any client who walks into the shops is satisfied and has become a frequent buyer of our products. The personnel are trained for nothing else than to convert enquiries to sales which they have delivered over the years.

The General Manager together with other back office personnel completes the magical team at Kenice!
They are always ready to address any specific issues that may arise on day to day basis as is expected in any business. Specific requirements from clients are heard, discussed and approved at the office with the aim of offering maximum satisfaction to clients.
Should there arise any complains, the office is at hand to address them and offer assurance for quality, efficiency and professionalism.